Satan as a son of God, or an emanation of his light, Rebelled
because he thought he could improve on his father, took
the proud position that he, as son, would be better.
Thus the idea in the modern era, of the past as ever significantly
inferior to the present, just as the present will be inferior
to the future. This malign heresy is so common today as to be
almost crystallized completely. It wasn't always so,
we used to believe we 'stood on the shoulders of giants',
while today you'd be led to believe we are giants standing on the heads
of deluded little fools, who did nothing but confuse and
sacrifice the wrong people to the wrong Gods, who squandered
plundered and pilfered, who gave us only unwittingly the tools to build
a future eco-friendly perfection, all wind farms and hermetically
sealed draft-proof houses and fair trade chocolate.
That we live in a very vulgar age
is undeniable. Bolliticks seeks to court
and squire the demeaning slop we call culture in the Roman
sense of vox populi, bread and circuses, when they
flung gladiators at bears and lions.