Saturday, 22 June 2019

The Precariat Cocktail

As long as they continue to drive the precarious class out of Hackney, Manchester or Walthamstow, the more they'll espouse socialism and an increasingly abstract ecology, global warming, because they are globalist in their self concern.  The ultimate abstract: problem is not us, not here: its global . 

They do this because they have to demonise and blame someone else for their own avarice. 
Its not just simple double speak hypocrisy, it is an attempt at exempting themselves and a refusal to acknowledge their own responsibility.  They want to be protected from the wrath due their mendacity by pointing the finger away from themselves. 

This is where an overcrowded immigrant underclass is useful: they can finger, blame and denigrate the large lumpen Precrariat between themselves and the migrants at the entry, bottom level. 

As the situation worsens for everyone other than themselves, 
their falsehood becomes more glaring and visible, until comes the inevitable tipping point.